Dear parents,
This is the last newsletter of the term. We do have the good news to look forward to, that come September and Term 3, we will slowly be allowed to go back to school face-to-face. I am certainly praying and hoping that this will be the case. Meanwhile, as always, the school has been very busy with a lot of teaching, a lot of learning, a lot of instruction and also a lot of fun. Just to outline a few of the events that have been occurring:
Transition activities have very much been at the forefront of many Year 6 students' lives as they prepare to move from Primary to Secondary. This school focusses very much on this change which can be challenging. In order to do so, we give students taster lessons, we introduce students to Year 7 teachers and leaders, and we get them to speak to Year 7 and Year 8 students about what life is like in Secondary. Recently we had our counsellor, Miss Evelyn Wong, give talks and workshops to Year 6 students on preparing mentally for the transition. We believe that the more prepared a student is, the smoother the change will be, and this has certainly been borne out by the smooth changeovers that have occurred in the last couple of years.
Parents are also part of this process and earlier in the week there was a coffee morning with the Secondary leadership team to prepare parents for this change. Next term there will be more such activities for both parents and students. In Secondary, the focus is now more on exams and homework, and preparing for the IGCSEs in five years’ time, and as you know in the last three years we have attained excellent grades with nearly 90% of our students gaining A-Cs.
Also for the last two months almost The Puchong Science fair has been running and it culminates today with the announcements of the winners. The students were sweet projects independently regarding a problem to solve and I must say some have been very thought provoking. Mr Mike will elucidate more on this in this newsletter. Congratulations to all the winners and also to all participants but also to the Science department and Miss Intan, who managed the whole event. Excellent!
In these last two weeks, the school has been busy with many PTC meetings between parents and teachers. Again this is a very important part of the communication process. If you have not been able to see the teachers for whatever reason, please speak to the Section Head to organize an appointment early next term. We are very keen that you hear first-hand how your sons and daughters are doing.
On another note, it is with some sadness that we say goodbye to Mr David Hallas, who has been with the school since its inception. On Thursday afternoon, staff and students gave him a beautiful farewell Zoom ceremony, which was very touching and is testament to the high esteem in which he is held by all in the Puchong community.
We will now recess for three weeks to give teachers and students a well-earned break. Please stay safe and stay well. See you all in the third term.
Stefano Piumatti
Principal of Taylor’s International School Puchong