In KS2, children investigated the different living conditions in the ‘Island Life’ unit, learning about the dangers that inhabitants face on volcanic, barrier and coral islands. Students have now become brilliant young explorers with map skills to locate different regions on the atlas and they brainstormed ways of maintaining sustainability for people living in areas with scarce resources. There was also a charity drive to collect and donate clothes in an effort to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Other year groups were equally busy with their own activities. There was the ‘Land, Sea and Sky’ unit where students learned how living things adapt to different surroundings. There were also guest speakers from World Vision who spoke to our young global citizens about the importance of clean water for all, and following that, students went on a trip to the River Resource Centre at Sungai Klang to study the quality of our river waters.
Lastly, I would like to say thank you to Ms Cally who will be leaving TIS Puchong as she relocates with her family, Ms Zara who is pursuing different opportunities and Ms. Wee who will be focusing on other goals. We wish them both the best of luck in their future endeavours.
Till our next newsletter, have a wonderful term break and I look forward to hearing about holiday adventures from the children when they return.
Mr. Marco Damhuis (Head of Primary)Email Contact :