Dear parent,
Welcome to the second newsletter of the year. We are well into the swing of things and learning across all years resembles a hive of activity. Fortunately, Year 11 and the Early Year students can attend school, and I can tell you that attendance had been excellent particularly for Year 11, which is in the mid-80s %.
I have been very impressed with the online lessons that I am seeing in both Primary and Secondary, and there are a lot of interesting and innovative materials which are being created by the teachers to pique curiosity and to make learning as challenging and meaningful as possible. We are very focussed on maintaining our excellent level of results that I reported to you last week and it is indeed a focus of ours to achieve 90% A-C next year. I particularly enjoyed seeing the Year 5 Entry point for Sign Language ‘Look, Hear’.
I know that many of you have had meetings with Mr Marco or Mr Mike, and I was present at the Year 11 meeting. Please know that these meetings will be a regular occurrence and it will be an opportunity for you to be able to express anything that may be on your mind. These meetings have been positive, informative and constructive.
The school management has decided that to build upon the great work that both students and teachers have done during the learning from home, we will be encouraging you to allow your child to bring a device into school to continue to use it in lessons. Students will get access to the school Wi-Fi for one device so that they can continue to use Google Classroom and GSuite products in school. This innovation will commence starting in Term 2 and at the moment only for secondary students.
Our community continues to be safe and although members of our staff and students have been tested, so far we have been very fortunate that no-one has tested positive. I urge you all to continue to practice all the safety SOPs with your family at home and outside as necessary.
All the best.
Stefano Piumatti
Principal of Taylor’s International School Puchong