Dear Parents and Guardians
It has been wonderful to see students getting back to normal on the school campus. The sound of children playing at break times has largely been missing for a few years, and now we have that ‘buzz’ of children's energy and positive noise around the campus both in lessons and in the play areas. This has made such a refreshing change. In Quantum Learning we place an emphasis on environment and atmosphere, and now that we are able to have classes operating as normal without the restrictions of social distancing, classes and lessons can operate properly. Attendance has increased over the last few weeks and we are now seeing over 90% of the students in school every day. This is very encouraging, although I do ask that you continue to monitor your child(ren) for any signs of illness, and if seen, keep your child at home.
Another move to normality is the reintroduction of ECA’s. This has allowed students to enjoy the activities that have been missing for two years. We are also getting sports fixtures arranged, with friendlies against other schools, AIMS sports (Association of International Malaysian schools) competitions are being planned for later in the year, and this will hopefully mean that we will return to the healthy participation and hopefully great success on the sports field that we have seen in the past