We are now into the exam window fore this current year, with the Year 1 examinations drawing to a close and the Key stage 3 examinations starting soon, there is a lot of exam preparation and support happening in classrooms. I have always stated how great it is to see the maturity developing in our learners and this week has seen more evidence to support this process. In my learning walks this week i have seen learners strongly actively engaged in revision based lessons proving that they are aware of what they know and what they need to know, it is so exciting to see such great ownership of learning.
I must remind parents of Year 11 learners that the coming IGCSEs are just around the corner and we have always ensured the right support is available to learners to help them prepare for this process. Timetabled lessons will continue as in the existing format for Year 11 for a few more weeks, however from Monday 19th October they will be changed to align with the examination timetable, we will be providing specific support classes to match against the timetable examination for the following day, as such, no study leave is applicable in this process.
I have spent some time this week reminding each Year group separately about the importance of ‘Physical Distancing’. With the rapid changes and constant concerns about new strains and relaxed processes, it was important for the school to emphasise the safe approaches used to reducing the spread of the virus even further. Please chat with your child about this briefing and discuss with them the crucial adherence needed to help assure friends and family about keeping a safe distance.
You may have read about the charity event being held next Wednesday. Students are encouraged to take part on a voluntary basis and come into school in their own clothes as we attempt to raise funds in respect to World Animal Day which takes place next month. Participants are encouraged to bring in a donation of RM10 (if anyone would like to donate more/less then that is also great) for ‘Voice for Paws’ which is a non-profit organisation which attempts to rescue and rehome animals (https://www.facebook.com/voiceforpawz/). All proceeds will go towards improving and saving the lives of many animals whose futures may otherwise be uncertain.
Finally, it was great to have a chat with Year 6 parents from Primary this week to discuss the secondary school and the transition process that is underway. Another follow up to this will take place in the next few weeks, details will be confirmed at a later date. In the meantime, please contact me by email directly if you need to clarify any further information.