Dear Parents,
Let me begin by expressing my immense gratitude to all of you for your very kind words of support when it was announced I was staying on. I am truly humbled and I was very touched by the many messages I received. I am very pleased that circumstances have changed and have allowed me to stay on. Rest assured I will work to the best of my ability to continue making Puchong a great school.
I do however have to ask you for a large favour and I have already mentioned this in past newsletters, but you need to be aware of this as a parent body. The issue is queue jumping in afternoon pickup. I am receiving a number of photographs of cars with their number plates whose drivers are guilty of queue jumping and I will be talking to people who are engaging in this activity.
We have listened to your concerns and suggestions regarding making the traffic flow easier. We have taken the cones away to allow two lanes of traffic and we are constantly reviewing the situation to see if it can be improved, however, there are limits and we can only do so much. As the road outside the school is public, there is very little the school can do. I need all of you to be patient in this situation and to do the right thing, which is to stay in the queue until your turn. Queue jumping at the very least causes anxiety and frustration and could lead to a minor accident or possibly one which causes injury. Please refrain from this behaviour.
On other matters as you can see from Mr Mike, Mr Marco and Mr Mark in the following pages, a school is a busy place, even with social distancing and the SOPs. Primary is in full swing, doing their exit and entry points, Secondary is doing exam preparation and revision, Sport is back on the agenda and we have even started swimming and so it is a buzzing and thriving place. It is wonderful to see!
Once again, thank you for your support and good wishes.
Happy mid-autumn festival next week.
Stefano Piumatti
Principal of Taylor’s International School Puchong