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23 September 2022 - Enjoyable Education Settings

23 September 2022 - Enjoyable Education Settings

An educational setting needs to be enjoyable and thus, it is an integral part of TISPC’s RECIPE. We are often in agreement when we say that children must be in a happy state of mind for any form of learning to take place. When we look at perennialism, a very traditional approach to education where institutions solely make the decisions on curriculum design, a teacher-centred approach which does not take into consideration student interests and how they learn best, it is apparent that learners in that type of setting are passive and that knowledge is fed to them. More contemporary studies have shown that children learn best when they are given ownership and responsibility. They are key stakeholders and their agency is vital for successful learning.

Many factors contribute to this happy educational setting. Children must feel that they are in a safe space to be able to express themselves, an accommodating environment that nurtures their sense of security where they can rest assured that they are not judged - a vital emotional need. In addition to this space, there must be ample time and and also resources that are conducive to learning to allow young brains to grow and develop.

Many modern educational settings showcase the best facilities, with a plethora of resources, a calm, caring and nurturing environment but children progress while learning at home too. They spend the other half of their developmental years at home. So what about the learning environment at home? Children learn not just academic skills, but personal and social skills are acquired in many settings, especially in the home.

When the home environment is set up for learning, children are able to thrive because the home and the people around them make it a constructive environment for them to succeed. Research shows that the quality of a child’s early environment is a prerequisite for overall brain development; in addition to that, a stimulating and effective home environment will positively affect all other learning areas later in life. (source: de Witt)

“Home is where one starts from.” - T.S. Eliot

The home environment in which children grow, the physical things that surround them, the people around them and their interactions with the locality and its people (neighbours and the local community). These factors contribute to healthy mental and physical growth in children’s development, shaping them to raise them ready.

The first and most important thing according to Empowered Parents, a non-profit organisation which supports new parents with help and advice on bringing up their children, is children’s sense of self and belonging. Child psychology experts believe that children’s emotional needs are met by parents who are loving, available, present and supportive, and that no child can really thrive without feeling loved or heard.

Having a loving family environment and feeling secure go a long way in supporting children’s motivation to learn. Self-motivation is created in a happy home with unconditional love, attention and emotional support.

It was Malaysia Day last Friday and I hope that everyone had a great long weekend. It’s so wonderful to have the children share their adventures with their peers and teachers. There were so many beach breaks, walks and hikes, and even visits to different caves - all very exciting! We are now in the midst of preparing for the impending IPC accreditation visits. I am proud to see every year group so engaged in all their learning tasks and activities; the children linking learning to their knowledge and previous experiences and teachers all doing what they do best – ensuring amazing learning experiences not just for our children, but for the whole school community.

Mr. Marco Damhuis (Head of Primary)
Email Contact : marco.damhuis@pc.tis.edu.my

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