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23 September 2022 - A School Filled With Activities, Events And Lessons

23 September 2022 - A School Filled With Activities, Events And Lessons

​​In the last month, school events and activities have largely gone back to the normal of 2019. We have had students competing in sports fixtures with other schools, sports days, performances, CSR projects and of course a lot of lessons. The school is ‘buzzing’ again with constructive noise, and energy.

Congratulations to Marco for the role of campus Principal. As parents will have seen from the email from Mr Gan, we have taken the strategic move to develop senior staff from within the campus. This very much fits with our purpose statement of developing leaders. On a simple level, Marco (and then in a year's time Mike) will take on the responsibility for the day to day operations of the campus, while I will have the overview and strategic direction for both campuses together with the main administration processes that large organisations like TIS have. I am still easily available and very much involved in the school operations should parents wish to speak to me, however, please remember to contact the person most relevant to your question, and in most cases that will be the class teacher or head of section.

Congratulations to the students for the great job they have been doing with CSR projects recently. The attached photo is of the recent Year 5 Bake sale, which was very popular. These events fit in with our Care.mvmt direction under the category of Care for Others, and help students to recognise and respect the lives of others, especially those who are less fortunate than ourselves.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone of some more routine matters.
Students (and parents) need to bring their ID tags when they are on campus. For parents this helps security and staff to identify you as a parent. For students this tag is essential for buying food at the cafeteria and also for borrowing books at the library. For food, please make sure that you ‘top-up’ the tag regularly so that you have the credit to make purchases.

Year 11 students start their final IGCSE papers at the start of October. These exams will then take until the last week of school to complete. Year 11 will be on study leave and will only come into school when they have a paper or for final support lessons. I would like to wish all Year 11 students “Good Luck” with these exams and remind them that preparation is the key to success. There is a famous quote from Gary Player the golfer, he said “the more I practise, the luckier I get” 

Peter Wells
Principal of Taylor’s International School Puchong
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