With only four weeks left till the end of term, there are a lot of busy people behind the scenes ensuring that all the last tasks and activities that are required, are completed with clear opportunities for reviewing and checking. With exams being marked, PTCs being arranged, and reports being written, there is definitely a sense of relief, a sense that soon we will be back to face-to-face learning and that we can begin the recovery journey that provides us all with better learning experiences.
A note for Year 7 parents, following up from the first vaccination date, the 2nd dose for the vaccination is taking place on Monday 25th October. As this impacts the majority of our learners in Year 7, Year 7 will be off timetable and teachers will be monitoring each class Google Classroom for any year 7 learners requiring support or guidance with work on that day.
As physical trips are still restricted for a bit longer, Radiant Camps and TISPC are delighted to offer these alternatives for your consideration. Year 7s and Year 8s would have the opportunity to participate in a Revengers Explorace Virtual Program as part of their Yearly Residential Trip Excursion. The facilitators will hone your ability to decide the best course of action and to be effective communicators in any situation. For now, save the date in your calendar for the event on November 10th(Wednesday) from 1 pm- 4 pm. Stay tuned as more information will be sent your way soon.
As it stands, we are expecting Year 9 and 10 to be back onto the campus from Monday 1st November. From Monday 8th November, we are planning to have years 7 and 8 on rotation with Year 9 on the campus. The MoE and MoH guidelines at present indicate that we have to minimize the number of students in school to 50% each day. As the SoPs from the MoE are being constantly reviewed, this planned action may change, however, at all times we will be adhering to the outlined SoPs from the MoE/MoH as they are communicated to us.
The Year 11 examinations have run successfully so far and we trust this will continue in the same pattern until the last IGCSE examination on Thursday 18th November.
We are also planning for the Year 11 graduation on the 20th November to be a ‘Drive Thru’, again if the SoPs change to allow us to conduct this as a ‘face-to-face’ event then we will inform you accordingly.