The first section of this term has been dedicated to trials for 30 separate sports teams. As a department we had such huge success last year, and this year we aim to have similar success whilst encouraging even more students to participate in a sports team. My staff have been working extremely hard this week ensuring as many students who trial are put in teams as we can possibly make happen. The students effort and enthusiasm to take part in our trials have been very refreshing and numbers have once again broken records. No trials prove this more than the 76 students who turned up to Mr Jason’s Badminton trials! An incredible turnout and many of our sports broke records with the amount of athletes who turned up.
This week we received our IGCSE Physical Education results for our 2019 cohort. The results were fantastic and blew us away. A*-A - 57.1%, A*-C - 85.7% and A*-C - 95.2% is our final results. They were all above the school averages and just shows how much the teachers, Mr Shane, Mr Wasim and I, and students worked so hard. I must give a lot of credit to Mr Shane for his hard work before he left. He didn’t up tools, he went the opposite way as he worked hours upon hours putting together the student’s coursework ready for the submission. Mr Wasim also worked hard when he came in putting the finishing touches to the class before their examination. On a personal note, I'd like to congratulate my cohort as they were a pleasure to teach over the last two years and their hard work has paid off with some truly outstanding results.
Mark Kelly (Director of Sport)Email Contact: