Dear parents,
Though not part of our regular newsletter, I thought an update would be appropriate at this point in time. As you know we went on to online learning very quickly on Monday and I want to thank you for the many messages of support and gratitude that we have received from the parental body. I have to thank my teachers and the TIS Puchong team for being so proactive and prepared to very quickly start the task of online teaching and learning. They have done a great job.
In the case of the Year 11 students and parents, I am very grateful that the exam series has been able to continue and that each of you was able to receive the appropriate letters that allowed you to travel. There was a lot of work behind the scenes by the Secondary team to secure these letters. Please however do make sure you are on time for the exams and avoid being caught in a traffic queue.
I am hoping that this will be a short-term CMCO and as always I will keep you updated with any new developments. Thank you for your great support, we always appreciate it.
Best Wishes,
Stefano Piumatti
Principal of Taylor’s International School Puchong