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16 July 2021 - Dynamic Learning Experiences In Classes
16 July 2021 - Dynamic Learning Experiences In Classes
Over these past two weeks, there have been so many opportunities to see excellent learning experiences taking place in the classroom. As part of the regular reviews, the Secondary School SLT team has visited a number of lessons to make learning observation notes while remaining as quiet observers of the online learning environment. It has been so encouraging to see so many dynamic learning experiences and we have been encouraged by the continued perseverance and engagement of all our learners in TISPC. The subject Heads of Department are now following up on the same process with the teachers in their teams over the next week and will be sharing their observations with us.

I wonder how you have been getting on with our House event this week. This is what was posted in the Google classrooms and we are hoping that you have enjoyed this family-based activity.

Over the past few weeks, we have witnessed some amazing talents and creativity from our very own TISPC students. Thank you a lot for your great supports and encouragement.

Today, during the CCA slot, students will do another joyful activity with their families. They need to create their own physical 'family-friendly game'. More details will be posted by their respective Head of House in their own google classroom.

As part of an update from the House Coordinators, they have totalled up the House points from the previous event and given totals so far for the House point score;

“Scrapbook Making” event house points;
1st Green House 🟢: 122 points
2nd Yellow House 🟡 : 105 points
3rd Red House 🔴: 104 points
4th Blue House 🔵 : 103 points

*Total Points* to date;
1st Blue House 🔵 : 1117 points
2nd Red House 🔴: 930 points
3rd Yellow House 🟡 : 922 points
4th Green House 🟢: 861 points

The PTCs are now upon us and we have noted that a lot of appointments have been booked already. If you haven’t done so already, please log into the Engage portal and book from the options available. Here are the dates for these PTCs;

Year 7 & 8 PTCs - Friday 16th July 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Year 9 & 10 PTCs - Friday 23rd July 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Year 11 PTCs - Monday 26th July to Thursday 29th July 3:40pm to 5:00pm
Friday 30th July 2:00pm to 4:00pm.

A reminder for Year 11 parents to please remember to return your son’s/daughter’s IGCSE ‘Statement of Entry’ to the school as soon as possible. It will take a little time to double-check all the entries before submitting these entries to Cambridge, which needs to be done before the end of this term.

In addition to this, Jaccy Lai (Year 11 Coordinator) has been working with Taylor’s University to help provide additional information to Year 11 students. This week specifically, our Year 11s attended a webinar with our colleagues from TU, supporting students with their plans for post-IGCSE education, and the webinar focused on career ideas and pre-U courses. Please also note that Taylor’s University will be providing counselling sessions for parents on 21st July.

I would also like to encourage all Year 9 parents who are going through the options process as you read this newsletter. There have been so many events over this past term to ensure you have a lot of information at your fingertips, I know from talking with some of you that you appreciated our website and that this provided you with a lot of helpful guides to making these final decisions. As this time is now upon us, please let us know if there is anything more we can help you with as you make your final decisions.

Mr. Mike Moreton (Head of Secondary)
Email Contact : moreton.michaeldavid@pc.tis.edu.my

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47120 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan
General Line: +603 8066 3675
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WhatsApp: +6017 686 2800 (for Admissions matters only)
Email: admissions@pc.tis.edu.my
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At Taylor's International School, our education programme is designed to prepare our children for every conceivable challenge and opportunity of the future.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
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