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14 June 2019 - Message From The Head Of Secondary
The obvious highlights for this week included the Hari Raya assembly for all Secondary learners on Wednesday and the Secondary Sports day on Friday as part of the whole school Sports Carnival.

The assembly was a great celebration with learners performing on stage from each Year group. There were sketches, songs, narratives, poems and dances, including one very memorable dance from members of the teaching team. We were all reminded about how we embrace and celebrate this time of year and how its part of who we are as a culture and identity. It was clear that fun was had by all, including Mr Gary who rode a bike across the stage. As the time slot for this assembly clashed with the Year 11 intervention classes, we allowed a brief respite for Year 11 who joined in with the celebration instead of attending their intervention classes, I know they also revelled in the moment.

As the whole Sports Carnival was also running through the week, with parents setting up some stalls around some areas of the school, it has been a very exciting atmosphere towards the build up for the Secondary Sports day on Friday.

Unlike previous years where all the Secondary learners participated in activities off site at a sports track venue, this year we wanted to try something different and be part of the Sports Carnival atmosphere within the school itself. The activities were aimed at not just competition and performance, but also participation with many different kinds of sporting activities and opportunities for learners to be involved in. Well done to all winners, but especially to all participants and a definite highlight for the year itself.

A little reminder for parents about this terms "Parent and Learner Teacher Conferences". This will take place on Friday 19th July and will run from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm for the whole day. Appointments will spread throughout the day and parents will be able to make appointments using the Engage Portal system. Communication for this will be sent by the end of next week.

Mr. Mike Moreton (Head of Secondary)
Email Contact : moreton.michaeldavid@pc.tis.edu.my
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