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12 July 2019 - Message From The Head Of Secondary
This week saw the completion of the Year 11 mock examinations and it was very pleasing to see how the learners approached this process and structure. It was clear that some learners were understandably nervous but still ensured they were focused. The results from this process will help to produce a ‘Forecast Grade’ report for all Year 11 learners that can be used for colleges and university applications. We are hoping that this will be available during the last week of term, once all the mock examination scripts have been marked.

As part of advanced information for parents of Year 11, Year 11 learners will receive a Cambridge IGCSE “unsubmitted entry sheet” in the final week of the term for parents to check and sign to ensure the entries and personal data stated on the form are correct. This will need to be returned to school before the August break as the Cambridge entries will need to be submitted during the August break while the school is closed.

Year 11 learners who were entered into the June examinations for Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin will also receive a login and password before the break for the Cambridge results service. These results will be available on Tuesday 13th August at around 12:00 pm.

This week we also head a few events for the Year 9 options process. There was a parents meeting on Thursday and it was great to see so many parents attending that information meeting about the process. On Friday was the options event itself and again it was good to see so many parents seeking out information to help them make informed choices. Packs were given to each parent with logins for the online element and further individual assessment data which all adds into the picture for making some difficult decisions. To add to this, if any parent would like to gain further advice from myself or members of the team, please contact the secondary school office for an appointment via thanaletchumy.arumugam@pc.tis.edu.my .

Finally, a reminder for next Friday 19th July and the full day Parent and Learner Teacher Conferences. We have aimed to improve this process by increasing the number of appointments available to parents and by including the learners in these meetings. I can see that the appointments are almost full for many teachers now, please double check the Engage system if you have not yet done so. Also please ensure that your child is wearing appropriate school uniform that day for the appointments and that all security school tags are worn by all visitors and learners to the school.

Mr. Mike Moreton (Head of Secondary)
Email Contact : moreton.michaeldavid@pc.tis.edu.my
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