Kuala Lumpur
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Early Years have extended their hours to 3pm!

Enrichment in Early Years

Since the beginning of Term 3, our Early Years Centre has been buzzing with excitement during the extended learning time. With the introduction of all day provision in Early Years, we were able to come up with an engaging and enriching programme for the afternoon sessions. 

From 1:30 to 3pm every Monday to Thursday, the Nursery and Reception students participate in a range of fun activities aimed at fostering experiences in lifelong learning, as well as extending their development in gross motor, fine motor and social skills. 

The Small World Area gives the students the opportunity to experience the world around them in miniature form! Being a vet or receptionist, chef or builder, the children explore the language and skills required through role play. Outside in the EY playground, they enjoy the elements of physical activity and playing with their friends. Indoors, activities such as yoga or zumba keep their bodies and minds strong and healthy.
For more information about the Early Years and IEYC, contact Ms Joanne or Mr Victor via email or the school’s admissions office.

Yellow FriYAY!

At long last, we were able to celebrate the monthly House Points winners in the EY/Primary school. For the month of September, Yellow House came out on top, and the students enjoyed being able to eat and play together whilst maintaining social distancing! With only 2 months left of the academic year, the other Houses are battling to topple Yellow House from the leaderboard. Let’s see what October brings!

Animal Rescuers!

What a great experience the students had in the Entry Point to the new IEYC unit, ‘Animal Rescuers’. Sick or injured toy animals were brought into the Early Years to be treated by a vet or bathed and groomed. Some were even put up for adoption. The Core Value of Care and Respect of Others features predominantly in this unit about the world of animals. Students will learn about animal features, habitats and lifestyle during the next few weeks, and be given plenty of opportunity to role play in the Animal Rescue Centre.

For more information about the Early Years and IEYC, contact Ms Joanne or Mr Victor via email, or the school’s admissions office.

It’s A Kind of Magic!

Year 2 students were delighted to celebrate the end of ‘The Magic Toymaker’ with unprecedented visits by a magician and a stilt walker! Talented TISKL Year 6 student, Siow Ming Fei performed an amazing rope trick. He even tried coaching some of the Year 2 students how to do it but, like all great magicians, he kept the secret up his sleeve! 

Out in the field, the children were encouraged to think about their Science learning during the unit. The forces of push and pull were presented in a unique and entertaining way by Mr Steve Ellis who performed astonishing skills such as stilt walking, plate spinning and diablo throwing. In another ‘forces’ exit point activity, the students made parachutes which they launched from the bridge, sending their chosen action figure safely to ground level.

Enquire Now
We would love to hear from you. Please fill-up the form here and we will be in touch soon.
Taylor's International School Kuala Lumpur
199001013246 (204816-H)
No 9 Jalan 1/75C, Off Jalan Pria Taman Maluri,
55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
General Line: +603 8932 5000
Admissions Line : +603 9200 9898
WhatsApp: +6011 1079 1519 (for Admissions matter only)‪
Email : admissions@kl.tis.edu.my
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At Taylor's International School, our education programme is designed to prepare our children for every conceivable challenge and opportunity of the future.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
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