The health and safety of the students and the school community is our prime concern, and please be assured that we are continuously reviewing the situation but at the moment, these are the actions that we have taken.
Thank you to all of you for the very sensible manner in which you are handling this current coronavirus situation. The health and safety of the students and the school community is our prime concern, and please be assured that we are continuously reviewing the situation but at the moment, these are the actions that we have taken.
-Asking parents and students who have been to China recently, or have had close contact with others who have been in China to stay away from school for 14 days, and then to only come back when they show no illness symptoms.
-We are not accepting walk-in visitors from China
-We are monitoring the temperatures of students and visitors as they come into school. We are sending students home who have a high temperature.
-Putting advice posters around the school
-Disinfecting and cleaning classrooms - see our Facebook page for photographs
-Reminding students about hand washing and the use of hand sanitisers
Thank you to the parents who have emailed to let the school know when their child is not attending school.
Please remind your children, that the best thing to do is to continue to practice good hygiene habits, by washing hands regularly and using paper tissues for sneezes and coughs, and then dispose of the tissue properly.
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
Date of Birth