Dear Parents and students,
We hope you are enjoying the start of Term 3. I write this, my first newsletter as Head of Secondary, and I am very much looking forward to meeting you all both online and soon, face-to-face. I thank all of the parents and staff for their warm welcome as I start at this wonderful school.
Firstly, a reminder to all Year 9 students and parents that the options form for IGCSE subjects is now due, so please do send in your form if you have not already done so. The majority of students’ forms are now in. This is crucial information for us to plan scheduling and allocation of groups for the new year. Please do contact the school if you wish to discuss any aspect of the options process.
As we get closer to the IGCSE examinations in November, we wish all our Year 11 students the best as they prepare each of their courses, despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic. Study leave will begin on 24th September. Until then, we recommend that students continue to attend all online lessons and tae the opportunity to clarify doubts, check their coverage of each topic and practice assessment questions.
Despite how the Coronavirus pandemic has disrupted our daily life, the candidates have done their best to face the challenge in the IGCSE June examinations. It is heartening to see such wonderful results, especially given the difficulties our students have faced with the disruption to school caused by the pandemic. Our congratulations go to our students and our teachers for their hard work.