Kuala Lumpur
    15 July 2019 - Message from the Principal
    Sports Awards
    In the last week, we have had two sports award sessions, to celebrate the success that our students have had on the sports field and courts. My thanks to Chris and his team for all the time and energy supporting the various teams. We have seen another increase in the trophies that he school wins but perhaps more importantly, the numbers of students taking part has also increased. Sport teaches us so much about life in terms of practise, resilience, respect and humility, and it is great to see so many of our students enjoying their sport and getting tremendous success from it.

    Please see the sports section of this newsletter for more details.
    Robin Hood
    Last week the Primary school presented a superb production of Robin Hood. Congratulations to Lynne and her team and to all the students in Primary for their focus, passion and energy.
    Please refer to the Primary newsletter for more details and the photographs and videos.
    Books for charity
    The school is helping an organisation called friends to mankind to collect children's books for children in need . This is a year-long project dedicated to collecting 10,000 books and building libraries for various orphanages and refugee schools across Klang Valley.

    To support this we have placed 2 boxes at the reception for parents/students/teachers to donate books for this cause. Please can you help to spread the word and if you have any books in good condition, please place them in the boxes in reception. 

    If you would like to see more information, please follow this link.
    Phone use
    We had a very good discussion with a group of Secondary parents last week about phones and students. We all agreed that the smartphone has become an integral part of life today but everyone needs to think about appropriate use of the phone. In school that means not using a phone in lessons without the teachers approval, otherwise the phone will be confiscated.

    Appropriate use is an interesting idea, in that many people especially adults use their phone without thinking of others, and children will emulate their parents. This video is a very good reminder to us all about the way that phone use has taken over our lives.
    Social Media and Children
    Many thanks to one of our parents for passing this video link to me last week. This video by Dr. Shefali, a world-renowned clinical psychologist who has written many books, although you might recognise her more from the Oprah show.

    In this short video she addresses children and social media from a parent's perspective. In the video she gives parents some very good and pertinent pointers about children, phone use and social media. 

    I would recommend every parent takes a few minutes to watch this video and gain a greater empathy with the lives of their pre-teen and teenage children.
    Finally a reminder
    This term will now finish a day earlier than on the published school calendar. Instead of the last day of the term being Tuesday 30th July, it will now be Monday 29th July. The Tuesday has now been declared a public holiday to celebrate the coronation of the King, and of course we will respect that holiday.

    Peter Wells
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