Dear Parents and Guardians,
First of all, after Sunday’s MoE announcement about schools closing in PJ and Subang, TISKL remains OPEN, as we are in KL and not Selangor.
I have had some emails about the school remaining open, online learning and the possibility of contact with a positive case.
The decision about whether your child comes to school or not, is obviously with you as a parent or guardian, and we respect that decision. The approval for schools to close in this pandemic must come from the MoE.
The school continues to promote and enforce the operating procedures for schools. We have been doing this for many months now but these reminders are useful to help us, help each other.
This means the simple “Hands, Face, Space” message that is in the attached image. Please talk to your child about this simple idea as it applies everywhere not just in school.
Washing hands more regularly and using hand sanitiser has been established as one of the most effective methods of reducing the spread of viruses. This is a very simple step that is overlooked by too many people.
Masks are compulsory in the public areas of the school - corridors, courtyard, stairs etc. In the classroom they are encouraged and should be worn where possible. Teachers at the front of the room away from students can teach without a mask so that they can be heard more clearly.
Students are reminded to keep the physical distancing of at least 1m, so that they are not in close contact with their friends.
Although the school remains open, we will continue with some online learning through Google Classroom, for those students who are at home or overseas. If the MoE closes KL schools, then we will switch over to the full online learning that was occurring in March to July. This will mean a switch from the face to face classroom experience, to lessons via Google Meets and Classroom.
Some people have raised concerns about contact or visits to places where there has been a positive case. This link from the Malay Mail gives a good overview of what a close contact is, and will hopefully put a few minds to rest about how the virus can spread.
Students are encouraged to take their belongings home each day, just in case an announcement is made overnight. This will avoid a trip back to school later to retrieve things.
Our Year 11 students have just started their IGCSE examinations. The MoE have made provision for these exams to continue in school. If the school is closed by the MoE, then we would be allowed to have these students attend school just for the papers that they are sitting. We will pass information letters to the students if this occurs.
Peter Wells
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
Date of Birth